About Rescue Ministries
Who Are We?
Rescue Ministries Evangelism is a Christian Full-Gospel Ministry, led by Rev. Greg Knight, who want to obey the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20
"Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:18-20
We believe the Bible, and are in agreement with the Statement of Faith of the Evangelical Alliance.
Rescue Ministries Evangelism was founded by Rev. Greg & Pat Knight. Rev. Greg Knight is an ordained a Minister of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Greg operates in several of the five-fold ministry giftings, including: Evangelist, Teacher, and Pastor.
Greg was born in England, and brought up in a very traditional denomination. In 1982, he heard the full gospel of the saving power of Jesus, for the first time, and was born again and baptized in the Holy Ghost. Greg was alarmed that it had taken so long before he heard the gospel clearly, and was determined that he would do whatever he could, to remedy that for others. So, within a few months of his conversion, Greg started a ministry of street evangelism in his home town.
In 1986, having heard the call of the Lord:
"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision." (Joel 3:14)
Greg started holding tent crusades in several European countries, during his work vacations. These were a great success, and Greg soon reached the point where there was not enough time for all the ministry. So, Greg stepped out in faith and left his job. The Lord instructed him to start a computer company to provide some financial support, and to enable him to preach the gospel "free of charge". Being the company director, Greg had some control of his time, and was able to hold two or three open air meetings every week, using a sketch-board to draw the crowds. By God's Grace, healing miracles and deliverance started happening on the streets of Hitchin, UK.
In 1987, Greg joined an internationally-recognised, full gospel, ministers association "International Gospel Outreach", and was ordained by them. In 1989, having been redirected by the Lord from focusing on international evangelism, Greg continued to develop his teaching and pastoral ministry.
Since then, Greg has toured churches in France & other countries as an itinerant minister, teaching & encouraging the congregations, and training teams for evangelism. He has also ministered at pastor's conferences.
In 1997, the Lord told Greg to take a (temporary) step back from ministry, and go to America, where he was to find his future wife (Pat). This was successful, they were married in 2000, and have a wonderful son and daughter.
In February 2001 they launched their ministry together. Their first engagement was to speak to a group of Christian singles in Minneapolis about "Turbo-charging Prayer for the Right Partner". About 300 were expected, so the event was held in a church that could seat 500. However, 600+ turned up, so the people literally packed the isles!
They joined a strong Full Gospel church in Minneapolis called "Living Word Christian Center", led by Pastors Mac & Lynne Hammond, and helped with the children's ministry. In 2002 Greg was in Israel, and after meeting with the Mayor of Jerusalem, he appeared on the Israeli television show "Israel Today", sharing about how Christians understand that God still has a unique Covenant with the people of Israel.
Since then, Greg & Pat have ministered mostly in churches in the USA, France, and the United Kingdom. Greg is looking forward to returning to the mission fields of France, Germany, Liechtenstein, and Albania, as the Lord opens the doors.
Ministry to Christians
Ministering Breakthrough
Marriage Improvement Seminars
Ministry to Singles
Ministry to those in Business
Life Balance for Women
Vacation Bible School
Rescue Ministries Evangelistic Outreach
Ministering the Full Gospel & Healing for God’s Glory
Supporting Local Churches
Hall Missions & Street Evangelism
International Revival Tent Crusades
Rescue Mission Churches & Training Centres
For Evangelists, Pastors and Other Ministers
Teach & Train
Equip & Send Out
Rescue Support Network for Evangelists & Pastors
Spiritual Support Network for Evangelists, Pastors, & Other Ministers
Prayer Fellowship
Involvement (going)
Evangelists’ Convention
Freedom of Ministry
Context for Ministry (Credentials)
Support for the Nation of Israel
Non-conversionary support for God’s Covenant People
Political Support through Lobbying
Economic Support through Business
Social Support
Prison Ministry
Ministering to and encouraging those who are in prison
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Gospel Training